Economy car with 4 seats
1.25 lei/km
0.29 euro/km
Business car BMW/AUDI
1.46 lei/km
0.37 Euro/km
Van with 6 passenger seats
1.49 lei/km
0.36 Euro/km
Van with 15/16 passenger seats
1.99 lei/km
0.60 Euro/km
Van with 19 passenger seats
2.48 lei/km
0.65 Euro/km
Coach with 45 passenger seats
4.96 lei/km
1.2 Euro/km
*The charges for the international transports are not invoiced with the Value Added Tax (V.A.T.), while the charges for the intern transports include the Value Added Tax (19%). These prices are not per person, but per vehicle. The Euro rate of exchange for the international charges is reported to the rate of exchange of the Romanian National Bank in that day.
The above presented prices are published prices and they are valid only for a distance of minimum 200 km/day; prices do not include the driver's accomodation and meals when the transport lasts more than 24 hours. Prices are negotiable according to the number of kilometres, to the number of days and to the parking length.